More Scratch
4.7 hrs
Programming 101
Human Technologies
Ross Parker
Minimum Year Group
If you enjoyed Programming 101, here is an opportunity to extend your Scratch skills.
This work is shared under the following license: Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
Resources What is needed to run this unit? |
Cross-Curricular Links Do not try and force this. What areas of other subjects might this reflect and/discuss language. For IB, links with ToK.
Teacher Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
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60 mins
Word Processor Part 1
Getting Started
- Now that you are familiar with Scratch, and have had some problem solving and game building experience, you are going to undertake a difficult task.
- You can choose from the following challenges, but should aim to pick something that stretches your abilities.
- Read the challenges, which are all related, and decide which best suites you.
- If you do not know what a word processor is, read this.
- Once you have chosen challenge, start programming it!
10 mins
Absolute vs Relative
- Can you guess what the difference is between the Scratch commands on the left and right sides of the image below:
- The answer is this:
- Right side: absolute
- Left side: relative
- Absolute instructions tell a sprite to do something, and the result will be the same each time, no matter the current state of the sprite. Examples include:
- Go to x,y
- Point in direction _____
- Change pen size to ____
- Relative instructions tell a sprite to do something, but the result will varying, depending on the current state of the sprite. Examples include:
- Move ____ steps
- Turn ____ degrees
- Change pen size by ____
- Neither is better than the other, but some situations favour one or the other. For the Standard Challenge, you may favour absolute: for the Challenging and Ridiculous Challenges, relative is most likely better.
- Absolute and relative are concepts that come up time and time again in ICT: take for instance addressing on the Web, or cell referencing in spreadsheets.
200 mins
Word Processor Part 2
Harder Stuff
- Take this substantial amount of time to work on your Scratch word processor
10 mins
Finishing Up
- As evidence of your learning, either:
- Export your various Scratch programmes to the SB format, and then compress them into a ZIP file, and submit them.
- or, if you have a public collection of Scratch programmes on the Scratch website, submit the link.
- read this
- Programming 101 Challenging Challenge
- Programming 101 Ridiculous Challenge
- Programming 101 Standard Challenge
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