Link Shortening
Time 30 mins

Difficulty Beginner
Prerequisites Google Drive Basics
Departments Human Technologies
Authors Ross Parker
Groupings Individual
Minimum Year Group None


Link shortening lets you cut down long links, and track how many times they have been clicked. In this unit you'll be introduced to a few different options.


This work is shared under the following license: Creative Commons BY-SA-NC


Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
  • Link thumbnail by freepik on freepik under Freepik License.

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5 mins
Why Shorten Links
Getting Started
  • Sometimes we want to share a link, but it is very long, and takes up too much space, or is hard for a reader to type off a printed letter, such as the one below:
  • In this case, a link shortener comes in handy: this is a site that takes a long link, and converts it into a short link. When someone accesses the link, the link shortening site forwards them on to the original link.
  • The link below is a shortened version of the one above. Try it and see:
  • The following is a list of commonly used link shorteners:
  • Sadly, Google are terminating their link shortening service, and so we can no longer use it in this unit : ( It was very good!
10 mins
How To Shorten Links
Digging In
  • Go to, and you should see a screen like that below:

  • Find a long link, and paste it into the text box: then press the Shorten button
  • The link will be shortened, and you can then copy the link to capture it to your clipboard, from where you can paste it.
10 mins
Viewing Analytics
  • If you want to see how many people have clicked your link, you can create an account on using your email address.
  • You can then see click information (known as "analytics") in your dashboard:

5 mins
Finishing Up
  • As evidence of your learning, take a long link and use to shorten it.
  • Submit the short link to this unit for your mentor to see.
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