Epic Wallpaper
4.3 hrs

Human Technologies
Ross Parker
Minimum Year Group
Learn how to build your own amazing wallpaper to use on your computer. Along the way learn how to use Acorn, and some of the principles of digital image editing.
This work is shared under the following license: Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
The Pitch Why should I bother learning this?
Resources What is needed to run this unit?
Interdisciplinary Links Do not try and force this. What areas of other subjects might this reflect and/discuss language. For IB, links with ToK.
Teacher Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
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5 mins
Want To Make Some Eye Candy?
The Pitch
5 mins
Getting Started With Image Editing
Hands On
- Acorn is software which allows you to edit graphic files.
- Can you use Spotlight to find and launch Acorn?
- When you launch Acorn, you might find that your free trial has run out. Not to worry! Use the key on this document to unlock the full version (it was very kindly given to us by the creators of Acorn)
- Once you have launched Acorn, create a new image sized at 2560 x 1600 pixels with resolution 72 dpi:
- Save your new file as a .acorn image.
- Pixlr is a free online drawing app
- Can you use Google Assistant and the Search key to find Pixlr?
- Once you have launched Pixlr, create a new image sized at 2560 x 1600 pixels
- Remember to save your file!
15 mins
Find A Texture
Web Search
- Use an image search tool to find a large, high-quality image of a texture.
- Download the largest version of the image that you can, saving it on your Desktop.
5 mins
Why So Big?
Thinking Time
- Why do you think we want to use only really large images in this project? Think about this, and try and find an answer: look online, speak to a friend or chat with your teacher.
- Image size is really important!
5 mins
Use Your Texture
Hands On
- Now that you have saved your texture, drag the file into your Acorn image.
- You might want to resize your image to fit. You can do this using Layer > Rotate And Transform > Scale And Rotate in the top menu bar.
- You should now have something that looks like this:
- In Pixlr, select Add Image in the bottom left, and choose the image you downloaded
- You might want to resize your image to fit. Click on your image and drag the edges.
- You should have something that looks like this:
20 mins
Useful Theory
- Layers in image editing software allow is to create complex images by laying images over another.
- In Acorn, layers can be controlled in the Tools Window, which looks like this:
- In Pixlr, layers can be found in the top right of the screen. Click and drag to change their order, and right-click for more options
- In terms of the image, these three layers look this this (notice how the top layer is not 100% opaque, which means you can see through to the layer below:
- Layers are especially useful when we want to go back an edit an image: it is much harder to work on if we only have the "flat" (e.g. no layers) version.
- Did you know that in Acorn and Pixlr you can change the name of your layers to help keep your work organised? It can get really confusing when you have dozens of layers.
- Think about the following file formats, and how they support layers:
- .acorn (Acorn) and .pxd (Pixlr) - supports layers
- .png - does not support layers
- .jpg - does not support layers
- For this reason, we save our work in the .acorn format whilst we are still editing it. When we want to share it, we use .png, which makes a smaller image that any computer can open (even if Acorn is not installed).
15 mins
Finding A Silhouette
Web Search
- As part of your wallpaper, you will cut a hole in the foreground so we can see behind it.
- To do this you need to A) find a silhouette of the shape you want to cut out B) draw your own shape to cut out.
- Let's try option A first: please search the web to find an image of the shape you wish to cut out.
- Like with the texture, once you find the image you want, download it and save it to your Desktop.
- Hopefully you have something like this:
15 mins
Making A Cutout
Hands On
- Now we are going to use your silhouette to make a cutout in your foreground
- Drag your saved cutout file into your wallpaper image in Acorn or Pixlr, and then resize and position as desired.
- Use the Magic Wand (see image below) tool and shift key, to select all the parts of you silhouette (in Pixlr, this is called the Cutout tool).
- Now make the foreground layer active:
- Press the delete key to delete the silhouette shape from the foreground.
- Now right click on the layer with the silhouette and delete the layer. You should now see through your foreground into the transparent background:
15 mins
Find A Background
Hands On
5 mins
Apply Your Background
Hands On
20 mins
Useful Theory
- Filters are effects which you can apply to your graphics to make them look different.
- Filters can make your work more interesting, creative and original.
- Try the following fun filters to see how they work, using the Filters menu in Acorn's main menu bar or the Effects tab in Pixlr:
- Drop Shadow
- Color Controls
- Motion blur
- Tilt shift
- Experiment with a range of other filters to see what you can achieve.
- Try to make your top layer active, and then apply a drop shadow. Reapply the same shadow a few times, and it will make the foreground appear to pop out from the background.
15 mins
Text Controls
Useful Theory
- Please ensure that your wallpaper has your name at the bottom, as the creator of this piece of work.
- How much time do you spend thinking about text and font? Do you know any history? Watch this video to learn a little about fonts.
- If you are not convinced as to how important font can be, look at the following two logo/slogan combinations for a ridiculous company. Same words, totally different feel...all due to font design:
- When using Acorn or Pixlr, you have lots of control over text and how it is displayed. Some useful controls include:
- Font type - what the font looks like (aka the "font face").
- Kerning - the horizontal space between letters
- Line height - the vertical space between lines
- Size
- Color
- You can also get more fonts to install on your computer, from sites such as http://dafont.com and http://www.1001freefonts.com.
- Can you make the text on your work look more interesting?
50 mins
Go Nuts
- Take some time now to keep playing with your wallpaper.
- How can you improve the way your work looks? Review some of the theories and ideas above, and see if you have used them to your advantage.
50 mins
Finish, Export & Submit
Hands On
- Use this final bit of time to put the finishing touches on your work.
- Leave enough time to save your work as a PNG file: png files can be opened by people who don't have Acorn, and are also smaller than Acorn files. When you save, you will lose your layers though, so keep the Acorn file as well in case you want to go back and edit some more.
- Finally, submit your work to Gibbon.
20 mins
Raster vs Vector
Useful Theory
- Computers display images as collections of pixels, which are tiny colour lights on your computer.
- Zooming in on your screen allows you to see the pixels making up the contents on your screen:
- Most digital images are also stored as pixels: also known as raster or bitmap images.
- This includes gif, jpg and png images, as well as most parts of Acorn images too.
- Storing images as pixels is easy, fast and good for photos.
- But, raster images cannot be resized upwards without becoming blurry, or pixelated.
- However, there is another way to store images on a computer, and that is using lines: also known as vectors or paths.
- Vector images are great for drawing.
- Vector images can also be resized up and down without losing any quality (this is like magic ; )
- Watch the video below, which introduces the software Adobe Illustrator, and explains how raster and vector images are different:

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Unit | Students |
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Maria Shared on 22/06/2015 |
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Mason Shared on 22/06/2015 |
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Gianna Shared on 22/06/2015 |
![]() Image Courtesy of Joaquin Dela Cruz, Shared under CC BY |
Joaquin Shared on 02/03/2015 |