Basketball is all about having fun and developing to become a better player everyday, so how can you do this?
Resources What is needed to run this unit?
Cross-Curricular Links Do not try and force this. What areas of other subjects might this reflect and/discuss language. For IB, links with ToK.
Teacher Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
Basketball is all about having fun and developing to become a better player everyday, so how can you do this?
If you’re serious about basketball you need a schedule, you need to know how many hours you’re training a day, how many days you’re conditioning, how much plyo and workouts you’re doing a week.
Based on your position/size, focus on different areas (this doesn’t mean dropping certain stuff just because your position doesn’t typically do those things) Make sure you’re at least putting in an hour a day better off 2, but how do you make a schedule?
In order to make a good basketball schedule follow this video:
A good start is to go try out/enrol in your school team, it doesn’t matter what level your school team is at, just enrolling is already a good start.
Though there may be difficulties in joining the school's team, for example tryouts, you may feel as if you can’t play, but that certainly isn’t the case, remember even at the highest level you can learn something, no matter how good you are you can still learn. Don’t be discouraged if you fail once.
Certain issues may arise when you play or tryout, for example a big one that a lot of athletes struggle with is confidence, but how can we fix this?
- Trust your skillset, remember that you have spent hours of training, apply your training to your game.
- Nobody is going to remember if you fail, unless you’re at a pro league, there is absolutely nothing for you to lose as nobody even clearly remembers your game.
- Recovering, failing once doesn’t mean it’s the end, as long as your recovery is stronger, your fall is not going to mean anything.
Watch this video to know how to stand out in tryouts:
Knowing how to play as a team is crucial in basketball, it’s a very quick paced game and you WILL mess up a lot, but joining a team outside of school can slowly help you adapt, but how do you join these teams?
In Hong Kong there are a lot of leagues ranging from Beginner to Elite, some very popular examples are: League MVP HK, Overtime HK, HKBA, DSA, GOATLAB, those are just a small bit of the many teams there are, most of these teams do cost a lot, but if you look through teams in the HIllen Youth league it gets much cheaper.
In order to join these teams, sign up for their tryouts and camps in order to get the coaches attention, for serious teams like Eastern Long Lions youth, you may need to send multiple emails just to get their attention. But just by doing these things should land you a spot on their teams, remember though, their teams range from beginner to elite sometimes, so even if you can’t get into any elite teams, they may still offer spaces to their advanced teams, if you can just take it.
The college scouting system is pretty complicated, if you don’t live in The US it’s even more difficult but not impossible. First (HK) sign up for an account at the NCSA, put down your stats in your profile (Stats from High School or outside teams, could be both though) After link your Youtube channel to your Bio and post your highlights on the channel, you will appear on the scouts searches and their scouts will rate you from 1-5 stars.
You may be ranked but the point is to just keep working hard.
- Record a video on what you learned, including talking about whether you’re in the school team or outside teams, discuss schedule, explain your training plan, and if you’re in high school, let the viewer know your journey on NCSA.
- Also, make a short video on your schedule showing clips of your training.