1.7 hrs
Sandra Kuipers
Minimum Year Group
Learn how to use variables. Declare them, add them, subtract them, and perform many other logical operations.
Learner Outcomes Students will:
Competency Focus
Interdisciplinary Connections
Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
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5 mins
The Pitch
- Variables are awesome because they let our code change.
- Using variables, we can create things that move, animate, change colour, and disappear.
- They let us store data, as well as manipulate and change data over time.
- Without variables, we couldn't create games or animations.
10 mins
What is a variable?
Getting Started
- A variable is a way to store information as we write code.
- The best way to think of a variable is like a bucket:
- If you have a new bucket, it would start out empty.
- Then, you could put stuff in the bucket, dump it out, and put other stuff in the bucket.
- The important part: the bucket is reusable. That's why we call it a variable.
- Conversely, a constant is a way to store information that doesn't change.
- For example, the value of Pi is a constant. It's always the same.
5 mins
Declare a variable
- Before we can use a variable, we must create it.
- Creating a new variable is called declaring the variable.
- To declare a variable, we use a keyword like var or let.
- Then we give our variable a name:
var myNewVariable;
- When we name a variable, we're naming the "bucket": the contents of the bucket can change.
- In many languages, we would have to declare the type of variable we were using, such as int, string, etc.
- Luckily, in Javascript, we can declare a variable without knowing it's type.
- We can also declare more than one variable at a time by using commas:
var playerName, hitPoints, score;
5 mins
Naming variables
Important Stuff
- Writing readable code is important.
- Your teacher will thank you.
- Your peers will thank you.
- Your future self will thank you!
- One of the best ways to write readable code is by using good variable names.
- Consider the following:
if(y > 2){ m = m+100; j = j+5; }
- What's happening here? I'm not sure...
- With some readable variable names, it becomes more clear:
if(level > 2){ playerHealth = playerHealth+100; difficulty = difficulty+5; }
- By reading the code, we could guess this is part of the player level-up.
- A common practice in programming is to use lower case for the first word, and capitalize following words.
- This is called camelCase (because of the humps!)
- There are other types of cases, but for now, practice using camel case for your variable names.
15 mins
Using Variables
Digging In
- You may recognize this guy from the Hello Processing tutorial.
- Daniel Shiffman has a great explanation for using variables in your code:
- Open up a new sketch and play with some variables.
- Can you use a variable for the size of an ellipse? Can you use it in other places?
5 mins
Assign a variable
- To set a variable to a specific value, we use one equal sign.
var playerScore = 0;
- This is called variable assignment, because we assign a value to the variable.
- One the variable has been declared, we can assign values without needing a var or let keyword.
playerScore = 50;
- We read this as: playerScore is 50.
5 mins
Compare a variable
- To compare values, we use two equals signs.
if (playerHealth == 0) { // Game over! }
- This is called a comparison operation.
- We read the above example as: if playerHealth equals 0, then game over!
- There are other types of comparison, such as not equal to, which is:
if (playerHealth != 0) { // Player health is not equal to 0 }
- As well as greater than,and greater than or equal to:
if (score > 5000) { // Greater than 5000 } if (score >= 3000) { // Greater than or equal to 3000 }
- And less than, and less than or equal to:
if (playerHealth < 50) { // Less than 50 } if (playerHealth <= 0) { // Less than or equal to 0 }
10 mins
Hands On
- Any time we use an if, elseif, or else, these are called conditionals.
- We can check a condition, like
mouseX > 50
to enable something to happen only when that condition is true.
- Conditionals are the core of most programming.
- Without conditionals, we could write a sequence of steps, but we couldn't make any decisions in our code. It would execute the same every time.
- Conditionals, combined with variables, allow for our program to change.
- See the example below for how a conditional can let us change the direction of a bouncing ball:
40 mins
Designing with Variables
- With the power of variables, we can start to make things that move and change.
- Your goal is to design a scene where several different objects are changing in different ways:
- Bouncing around the scene
- Getting bigger and smaller
- Changing colours
- Changing shapes
- Something else?
- Create a new p5js sketch. Be sure to save it as you go!
- Consider how you can use variables and conditionals to change your drawing over time.
- Feel free to grab some graphing paper and sketch out your scene.
- When you're happy with your creation, use the share option to submit the url to your sketch.
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