Game Engines
1.2 hrs

Thinking Procedurally
Sandra Kuipers
Minimum Year Group
Game Engines allow us to make awesome games that involve complex physics, interfaces, shaders, and input. This unit will get you up and running with the Unity game engine.
This work is shared under the following license: Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
Learner Outcomes Students will:
Competency Focus
Interdisciplinary Connections
Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
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5 mins
Getting Started
- Making games is a great way to dive into higher-level programming concepts.
- In the past, game designers had to create every aspect of their game from scratch.
- Today, we have some awesome freely-available game engines to use.
- Game engines help designers get up to speed faster by taking care of:
- Memory management
- Rendering and graphics
- Physics simulation
- Audio output
- Plus a lot more!
- In this unit we'll explore what game engines are, and get up and running with the Unity game engine.
10 mins
What is a game engine?
Getting Started
- What do we mean when we say "game engine"?
- There are many game engines out there: 2D engines, 3D engines, mobile engines, game mods.
- This video is a great into to what game engines are, and why we would use one.
5 mins
Welcome to Unity
Getting Started
- There are a lot of great game engines out there!
- In this course we'll be using the Unity game engine:
- It's free - which is awesome.
- It's powerful - triple A games use it.
- It works on a ton of platforms.
20 mins
Installing Unity
Setting up your Patform
- Unity has a great walkthrough to get you setup.
- Visit the Create Your First Unity Project tutorial and follow the steps.
20 mins
Exploring Unity
Hands On
- Now that you have Unity installed, have some fun and explore what it can do.
- Explore on your own:
- Feel free to tinker with some of the built-in micro games.
- Make a blank scene and see if you can create some simple objects.
- Or, explore some tutorials:
- Unity has some great walkthroughs to get you started:
10 mins
Saving & Sharing
- The goal for this unit is to explore Unity and create your first project: any project!
- Your project doesn't have to contain anything fancy.
- The important part is to practice creating, saving, uploading and sharing your unit:
- Save your project.
- Locate it in your OS: (Mac example)
- Upload the entire project folder to Google Drive.
- Share the project using link sharing on the uploaded folder.
- Submit a link to your Unity project in Google Drive as evidence of your learning in this unit.
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