2.7 hrs

Sandra Kuipers
Minimum Year Group
This work is shared under the following license: Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
Learner Outcomes Students will:
Competency Focus
Interdisciplinary Connections
Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
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5 mins
- The more code we write, the more variables we end up with!
var thing1, thing2, thing3, thing4,... thing954;
- Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to put all these variables in a list?
- This is where arrays come in!
- Arrays help us store lists of things: strings, numbers, even other arrays.
- We can have lists of any length, and access the item at each location:
var things = [];
things[42] = "The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything";
5 mins
Like a Bookshelf
Digging In
- A great way to think about an array is like a bookshelf.
- When you create a new array, you get a new bookshelf, but the shelves all start out empty.
- We can add things to the shelves and remove things by using an index.
- The index is the number of the shelf in the bookshelf (the allocated space inside an array).
- With an index, we could say "get the item on shelf 3" or "remove items from shelf 1 and 2".
- It's important to remember the index refers to the space itself, not what's inside the array.
- Like the example above, all array indexes start counting from 0
5 mins
Declaring Arrays
- Let's look at an example in code:
// This declares the array, note the square brackets let vegetables = []; // We can assign items to each shelf vegetables[0] = "Cabbage"; vegetables[1] = "Turnip"; vegetables[2] = "Eggplant";
- The above code creates a new array and adds three items to it.
// We can debug the array to see what's inside console.log(vegetables); // This would output ["Cabbage", "Turnip", "Eggplant"]
- We can also declare an array and assign items to it at the same time:
// Note the square brackets and the comma between each item let vegetables = ['Radish', 'Broccoli', 'Carrot', 'Squash'];
10 mins
Accessing Arrays
- We can access items inside an array by using the index.
// If this is our array let vegetables = ['Radish', 'Broccoli', 'Carrot', 'Squash']; // We can access an item with the index console.log(vegetables[1]); // The debug above will output the item at index 1 Broccoli
- We can also use the index to change items in the array:
// Remember that the index starts counting at 0 // So this code changes the second and fourth item in the array vegetables[1] = "Tomato"; vegetables[3] = "Cauliflower"; // Then debug to see what is inside the array console.log(vegetables); // The debug above will output the updated array ['Radish', 'Tomato', 'Carrot', 'Cauliflower']
- Try it out with a live example:
- You can also check out the W3Schools page for more info about arrays.
5 mins
Multiple Dimensions
- Prepare to stretch your brain into multiple dimensions ...
- What if you put an array inside an array?
- You'd get a two-dimensional array, like a bookshelf with slots vertically as well as horizontally.
- What if you put an array inside an array inside an array?
- You'd get a three-dimensional array, like a cube. Each dimension would have it's own index, such as x,y,z.
Array and axis – source O'Reilly
- Okay, then ...
- What if you put an array inside an array inside an array inside an array inside an array inside an array? Is that even possible?
- Yes! It's possible. You'd end up with a multi-dimensional array. It's hard to picture what it would look like, but the computer can store data in more than three dimensions.
- Accessing a multi-dimensional array might look like
- You can store data in as many dimensions as you need.
- Usually, only one or two dimensions is sufficient.
5 mins
Counting Arrays
- Sometimes we need to know the length of an array.
- To do this, we can use dot notation to call the .length method on the array.
let vegetables = ['Radish', 'Tomato', 'Carrot', 'Cauliflower']; // Then debug to count the items in the array console.log(vegetables.length); // The debug above will output the length of the array 4
- Once we know the length of the array, we can get the last item:
// This is the last item vegetables[vegetables.length - 1]; // This is the first item vegetables[0];
5 mins
Looping Arrays
- We often want to do something with each item in an array.
- Display each item
- Count each item
- Randomize each item
- etc.
- To do this, we can loop over the array, starting at the first item (0) and going to the last (length - 1).
// This is our array let vegetables = ['Radish', 'Tomato', 'Carrot', 'Cauliflower']; // This will debug each item in the array for (var i = 0; i <= length - 1; i++) { console.log(vegetables[i]); }
- Loops often use the variable i to mean index, but you can use any variable name, i is just short and easy to remember.
120 mins
Your Word Generator
- Check out some different types of word games:
- Mad Libs are a word game with a sentence where you ask friends to pick random nouns, verbs, etc. and then tell them what the sentence says at the end.
- Homework Excuse Generator comes up with a random creative reason for why your homework isn't done ;)
- Design Challenge Generator helps you think of random projects to do by combining different tasks and audiences.
- Random Name Generator combines lists of first and last names to come up with new random names.
- Random Plot Generator helps people come up with story ideas.
- Each of these games and apps use lists of things (nouns, verbs, names, excuses) and combine them to create a random scenario.
- Think of what kind of random generator you'd like to create. Feel free to be creative and have fun with it!
- Consider how you could use arrays and indexes (possibly even loops) to make your generator.
- Build your word generator in p5js and submit it as evidence of your learning in this unit.
- Mad Libs
- Random Plot Generator
- p5js
- Homework Excuse Generator
- Design Challenge Generator
- Random Name Generator
- W3Schools page

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