Badminton Basics
1.2 hrs

What is Sport?
Physical Education
Marco Kong
Ross Parker
Ross Parker
Minimum Year Group
In this free learning unit you will understand the basics of badminton and how it works.
Resources What is needed to run this unit?
Cross-Curricular Links Do not try and force this. What areas of other subjects might this reflect and/discuss language. For IB, links with ToK.
Teacher Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
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5 mins
Choosing A Racket
The Gear
- There are 2 rackets inside the Free Learning box in C108, which you can sign out.
- If needed, ask Mr. Chan for the storage room key to get some more.
10 mins
Comparing Rackets
- Take some time to compare and use different rackets.
- Compare how they feel in your hands, and when you move them through the air.
5 mins
Warming Up
Getting Started
- Start warming up by hitting the shuttlecock with the racket up in the air.
- Repeat the process multiple times
20 mins
Learning The Basics
Video Time
- Understand the basics of badminton and how to play it efficiently by watching the video below:
20 mins
Doing Rallies
Back & Forth
- You will need to find a partner to do this.
- Start by hitting the shuttlecock up over the badminton net, or at the volleyball court.
- Have the partner hit the shuttlecock back to you.
- Repeat this process for 20 minutes, seeing what you learn as you go.
10 mins
Wrapping Up
- Record a video of you and your partner rallying the shuttlecock and submit that clip as evidence to your Free Learning.
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