This is a unit on skills that are specific to Touch Rugby Football and will help you to become a better player.
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Teacher Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
Watch the video and practise both types of roll ball - static and dynamic. The dynamic roll ball is also known as the dump Practise this skill. Note that the players plants the ball, whilst on the move, with one hand and the ball is still. Ideally, you should be able to reach out and make an attacking touch on the defender
The scoop is a quick way of picking up the ball catching defences trying to get back on side. If you can scoop effectively, it's a great way to launch attacks.
In this clip you see the whole drive down the field and then a quick "dump" and then a scoop to catch defenders off side. Notice that even though the defender makes a touch, the attacker knows she is off side and she runs through into the scoring zone. She cannot score as she is the dummy but she has support from her team mate and they score a good try.
In order to scoop effectively, you have to get your body down low and scoop up the ball with your hand. Practise with a partner with one person dumping and one scooping.
The "Dump and Split" is a basic attacking move helping to keep the player who performed the roll ball on the attack.
Watch these examples of tries scored and they will all involve a dump and split.
Practise the above skills in a 2 v 2 or 2 v 1 game. Keep the pitch space small and narrow so you are practising the above skills as much as possible.
Making a video demonstrate that you can perform
1.) a dump
2.) a scoop
3.) A dump and split
4.) A dump and split vs at least one opponent in a game to score.
5.) A dump and scoop vs a defender to make a greak in the scoring zone.