In this unit, you will be learning about how the different types of cells are so good at doing their jobs.You will also be looking at some cells under a microscope yourself.
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Resources What is needed to run this unit?
Cross-Curricular Links Do not try and force this. What areas of other subjects might this reflect and/discuss language. For IB, links with ToK.
Teacher Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
Have a physical file/folder ready for putting bits of papers in that you will need for final submission for this unit.
Individually, watch this video and try and write down two key points that the cell theory describes on a piece of paper.
Show this piece of paper to your teacher when you are done. The answers are in the teacher's notes section. Don't loose this paper - file it away somewhere.
Task 1:
On another piece of paper, sketch what an animal cell looks like. This link may help.
Task 2:
On the same piece of paper (on the back if you have run out of space), construct a table with the following headings to list out all the the parts in an animal cell and describe the functions of these parts. The first one has been done for you.
Structure | Function |
Nucleus | Holds the DNA of the cell, which controls all cell activities. |
Show it to your teacher when you are done. There are some suggested answers in the teacher's notes section.
From the building your own cell unit, you should have learn that there are several different cell types, including animal cells and plant cells, within which there could be specialized cell types such as nerve cells, root hair cells and leaf cells.
On a piece of paper, compare and contrast (this means list out their similarities and differences) animal cells, plant cells and bacterial cells by drawing a table with the following heading:
Animal Cell | Plant cells | Bacterial cells |
Group together to form parts of a bigger organism | Group together to form parts of a bigger organism | Exist as singled-celled organisms (on their own) |
I have done the first one as an example.
- The following can be done as a group of 3 students:
- Email a Science teacher to book a 30 minute time slot to guide you through how you could set up a microscope and also how to look at pre-made slides of different cells.
During that 30 - minute slot, you will:
- Look at 3 different cell types (we have these at ICHK, or your teacher may want to make one with you) and take pictures of what you see through the eye piece.
- Print these pictures individually and include these in your unit folder. Try and label these pictures with what you know as parts of the cell or its cell type.
- Also include a description of why you think these cells look the way they do if you can.
- Keep these sheets of paper in your unit folder.
Watch this video:
Print and complete this worksheet while watching: Diffusion Osmosis Active Transport Venn Diagram
Now you are ready to scan everything in your unit folder as one document, and submit this to the unit.
Congratulations you have finished another free learning unit!