Elevator Challenge 2
6.7 hrs
Everyday Algorithms
Sandra Kuipers
Minimum Year Group
Can you grok the logic?
This work is shared under the following license: Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
Learner Outcomes Students will:
Competency Focus
Interdisciplinary Connections
Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc. |
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5 mins
Summative Project
- So-far, we've explored concepts like physics, algorithms, components, and pathfinding in Unity.
- Now it's time to start putting to the pieces together into a project.
How it Works:
- This project is broken down into 3 steps:
- Design: Create a flowchart for your algorithm.
- Build: Code your elevator system.
- Test: Test and refine your algorithm.
5 mins
Elevator Challenge
Project Overview
- Your challenge in this project is:
You have just been hired as a junior elevator programmer. The company's current elevator code is slow and buggy. Your first task is to design a new algorithm for their elevator system. To do this, you'll use Unity 3D to create a simulation of an elevator to test and demonstrate the algorithm you create. - Your company is using an Agile development practice. They have given you the requirements of the elevator as a set of four User Stories
- User stories are short, simple descriptions of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a user or customer of the system.
- Take a moment to read each of the stories so you understand your design parameters:
User Story 1:
- As a building manager, I want an elevator system that can manage at least two elevator shafts.
User Story 2:
- As a person waiting for an elevator, I want to see which floor it is on so that I know it is coming to pick me up.
User Story 3:
- As a person using the elevator, I want to be able to decide which direction to go so that I can go up or down.
User Story 4:
- As a person waiting for an elevator, I want it to stop and pick me up if it is going past my floor.
- Consider how you would build your algorithm to meet these requirements.
80 mins
Project Step 1
- Before diving right in and coding your elevator system, you need to design the algorithm.
- Remember: an algorithm is basically a set of steps and procedures to follow.
- To design your algorithm for this project, you'll be creating a flowchart.
- How do you make a flowchart? You have many options:
https://miro.com/signup/- Or, you can also use your favourite graphics program.
- When creating your algorithm flowchart, start with:
- The sources of input (a button press?)
- Consider the processing steps (what decisions does the system need to make?)
- Add branches for the different output (does a car begin to move? if so, where?)
- Try to decompose your algorithm into small steps: think of each symbol on your flowchart as a method call.
- For example, rather than a complex step called "move elevator", you might need smaller steps for "is elevator already moving?", "get closest car", "get distance between floors"
230 mins
Project Step 2
- Using Unity, setup a simulation for your elevator algorithm.
- As a simulation, the code and the algorithm are the most important part. Your elevator system does not need need to be complex:
- You do not necessarily need a player controller; the camera can be fixed.
- You don't need buttons inside the elevator car.
- You don't need any fancy graphics or 3D models.
80 mins
Project Step 3
- There are many ways to test a piece of code.
- For this project, we're going to use a method called Acceptance Testing.
- Acceptance Testing is a level of software testing where a system is tested for acceptability.
- The purpose of this test is to evaluate the system’s compliance with the business requirements and assess whether it is acceptable for delivery.
- For your hypothetical career as an elevator programmer: Would your boss accept your solution?
- Look back at the User Stories described in the project overview.
- Ask yourself: Would this user accept my elevator algorithm as a solution to their problem?
- User Story 1: Does my system manage at least two elevator shafts?
- User Story 2: Can my users see which floor the elevator is on?
- User Story 3: Do my elevators allow users to go up or down?
- User Story 4: Will my system stop and pick up passengers along the way?
- There are many other types of software testing, such as unit testing, end-to-end testing, and usability testing.
- We're using acceptance testing to ensure we've met the needs in our user stories.
- Once you've tested your elevator against each of these user stories, you're ready to submit!
- Once you've designed, built and tested your elevator system, please:
- Save your Unity project.
- Zip the folder containing your project.
- Add your name to the filename.
- Upload it to Google Drive.
- Create a Google Doc for your project submission:
- Add your name and a brief description of your project.
- Include any instructions for how to run your elevator simulation.
- Include an image or link to your algorithm flow chart in your submission.
- Include a link to your Google Drive file (double-check sharing settings).
- Also submit a link to your doc to complete this unit in Free Learning.
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