This unit will allow you to look closely at the work of some of the greatest authors of all time. What is it that they are doing with their diction (word choice); syntax (sentence structure); and figurative devices that keep readers coming back to them time and time again...?
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Resources What is needed to run this unit?
Cross-Curricular Links Do not try and force this. What areas of other subjects might this reflect and/discuss language. For IB, links with ToK.
Teacher Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
Charles Dickens' Hard Times- Descriptive Writing Extract/Analysis
1. Read the extract on the linked document. Write a 100 word deconstruction of how Charles Dickens vividly depicts the setting of Coketown (a fictional city, that is very probably based on Manchester, England, as it was back in the Industrial Revolution).
2. After reading, we will begin to write a pastiche of this, but based on ICHK.
You all have the same setting, but the time of day/ atmosphere can be uniquely different.
Here are some examples to get your started:
- The last school day of the year as students are about to leave for their summer holiday.
- A student gets caught cheating in their final IB exam.
- A cover lesson in C205 where the time seems to have slowed down/stopped.
- A fire breaks out in the canteen.
- Feel free to come up with your own scenario!
You are aiming to write three paragraphs that effectively convey the setting, mood and atmosphere.
Analysing the style and craft of famous writers
To further develop our understanding of how writers can use diction and syntax, along with imaginative figurative devices to evoke setting and atmosphere, you will select ONE page from a work by a famous author. (Try to pick a novel that you know already so you could pick a memorable moment!)
First, check out some work that was completed by some Y10s on various texts.
Then, upload your own photo, with analysis of style/craft, to your Google docs. afterwards.
Discuss your results with a partner.