What is Code?
1.8 hrs

Problem Solving
Sandra Kuipers
Minimum Year Group
Start learning to read and write some code.
This work is shared under the following license: Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
Learner Outcomes Students will:
Competency Focus
Interdisciplinary Connections
Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
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5 mins
Want To Change The World?
The Pitch
- Programming, known as the "new superpower", let's you control computers, create something from nothing and change the world. So, want to learn how to build awesome stuff?
- The following companies were started by individuals with programming skill: they turned an idea into multi-billiion dollar business that have changed our lives. Amazing.
5 mins
Getting Started
- In this unit you will learn the fundamentals of code. From this simple start, you can build your knowledge to develop more complex systems.
- At it's most basic, programming can be thought of as “the creation of computer software”.
- As you learn, please try to remember that programming is an exercise in problem-solving, patience and intellectual curiosity.
5 mins
What is Code?
Getting Started
15 mins
Early Code
Punch Cards
- Code hasn't always been written with words.
- Long before programmers wrote code with keyboards, they punched code as tiny holes in paper.
- Punch Cards were one of the earliest ways to write computer instructions.
- This is an early programmer:
- She's writing code, which will be physically fed into a computer to run a set of instructions.
- The box next to her has a whole stack of punch cards.
- You can't fit too many commands on a single card, so programs were written as stacks of cards.
- This is what a punch card looks like up close:
- How do the numbers relate to the letters above?
- Want to see it in action? You can write your own punch card.
- Visit Masswerk Virtual Keypunch
- Type some words, then hit the Release key to create your punch card.
10 mins
- We saw how code can consist of holes in a piece of paper.
- But punch card programmers didn't just write:
- "Hello computer, please add these numbers together"
- They used special words and symbols the computer could understand.
- These special instructions are called the syntax of a computer language.
- All programming languages have at least one thing in common: syntax.
- Syntax is the special set of rules that defines a particular programming language.
- Human languages have syntax too.
- The English language uses a set of grammar to say what is and is not correct English.
- The period at the end of a sentance and the capital letter at the start is part of English syntax.
- The above picture is an example of HTML syntax.
- There's some words in there that look English.
- The rest is made up of words and symbols like
- These are the tokens that a computer understands.
- Tokens are then converted by the computer into machine language (think 1s and 0s).
15 mins
Reading Code
Digging In
- Luckily we won't be punching holes in this class: modern programming languages use words.
- Let's start learning to read and write some basic code.
- In English, the punctuation
! ? "" $
we use has a specific meaning. - In code, symbols like a semicolon
braces{ }
and equal sign=
also have a specific meaning.
- The snippet below is very similar to the example we just saw.
- Press play to run this code.
- Change some lines in the code and press play again.
- Can you get the password checker to say "Correct!"
- You can also edit a live example of the password checker.
10 mins
Writing Code
Digging In
- If and else are an important part of code: this is where decisions happen.
- For example, this is a simple if statement:
if (you are tired) { get some sleep. }
- This is an if statement with an else (which means "otherwise"):
if (it is a typhoon) { stay home. } else { go to school. }
- We can read this as "If it is a typhoon then stay home, else go to school".
- Anything in the else section happens if the first thing is not true.
- If and else work well together when we have a yes/no decision to make.
- We can also combine if and else together to make elseif.
if (it is the weekend) { stay home, have fun. } elseif (it is a holiday) { go traveling! } else { go to school. }
- Writing code in words like this is called pseudocode.
- It's not a specific programming language, "pseudo" means imitation or "fake" code.
- Code like this won't compile, but it's a very handy first step for writing real code.
45 mins
Your Robot Clone
- Picture you have been given a robot clone that looks exactly like you.
- You could send it out into the world and it could pretend to be you.
- You could do fun stuff while the robot cone does all the boring stuff.
- But, it doesn't come with any programming.
- Your goal is to write some pseudocode to program your robot clone for a typical day.
- Create a Google doc.
- Take a moment to think about the decisions you make in a day.
- What kind of decisions would your robot clone need to make?
- Write some simple if, if else, and if elseif else statements to program your robot.
- Writing pseudocode means you can use regular English words, like our example above.
- Program as may decisions as you can think of. These can be in a list, one after another.
- Try to think of what could go wrong in a day. Can you program your robot to respond?
- Once you're done, submit your pseudocode as evidence of learning in this unit.

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