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Sandra Kuipers
Minimum Year Group
Algorithms: What are they? How can we use them in our code?
This work is shared under the following license: Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
Learner Outcomes Students will:
Competency Focus
Interdisciplinary Connections
Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc. |
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5 mins
Getting Started
- Algorithms are all around you.
- Well... unless you're camping in the wilderness with no technology.
- So, aside from escaping to the great outdoors, chances are you've interacted with several algorithms today.
- They're in Google, grabbing your search results.
- They're in Netflix, recommending shows.
- They're on websites, tracking which links you click.
- They're unlocking your phone, using fingerprint and face detection.
- They're in elevators, deciding which floor to go to.
- They're in maps, giving you directions.
- This list could get really long ...
- Where are some places you've noticed algorithms?
10 mins
What are they?
- What are algorithms, and how can we use them to take over the world?
- This video may not have answered the second question, but keep reading ...
5 mins
Thinking in Algorithms
Digging In
- Consider a simple procedural algorithm for making a PB&J:
- Get two slices of bread
- Spread peanut butter on one side
- Put jam on the other side
- Squish them together
- Notice how there weren't any decisions to make? Sometimes an algorithm is just a set of steps.
10 mins
Digging In
- However, sometimes we need a decision-making algorithm.
- Consider the same algorithm, but we don't know what ingredients are available:
- Get two slices of bread
- If we have peanut butter
- Put peanut butter on one side
- Otherwise, if we have chocolate spread
- Put chocolate spread on one side
- Then, if we have jam
- Put jam on the other side
- Otherwise, if we have bananas
- Put bananas on the other side
- Squish them together
- This algorithm is making two different decisions.
- How many different kinds of sandwiches can it create? Think for a second ... then scroll down.
- If you guessed four, you're on the right track ...
- However, what if there is no peanut butter and no nutella?
- When we account for no toppings, each decision has three possible outcomes.
- There are now more than four possible sandwiches we could make here.
- Including one very sad sandwich with nothing but bread :(
10 mins
Types of Algorithms
- Algorithms can do some pretty neat stuff!
- Genetic algorithms in simulations
- Pathfinding algorithms in games
- Machine learning algorithms in AI
- Procedural generation algorithms (eg: Minecraft!)
- Brute force algorithms in computer security
- Sudoku solving algorithms
- Plus many more!
- Each of these algorithms can generally be classified into different types:
20 mins
Are they taking over the world?
- Algorithms are already part of our civilization. The next 20 years will determine just how much they take over ...
- Are there places that algorithms shouldn't go?
- Here's a look into how some schools are putting algorithms in the classroom:
60 mins
Your Algorithm
- Imagine you have a platter of sushi. In fact, you own a whole restaurant that sells sushi!
- Rolls are 10$
- Sashimi are 20$
- Everything else is 12$
- If a platter has more than 10 sushi, it gets a free tempura.
- If a platter has more than 20 sushi, it gets a 20% discount.
- Given any platter, no mater what sushi are on it, you could use these rules to figure out the cost.
- Your goal is to write an algorithm in pseudocode (regular english) to calculate the cost of any platter. If you're stuck, try and think of what you, a human, would do to solve this problem.
- Write your sushi-sorting algorithm in a Google doc.
- Then at the bottom, answer a hypothetical question: If you had the most powerful computer in the world, what problem would you solve with an algorithm?
- Submit your doc as your evidence of learning in this unit.
- Machine learning algorithms
- Algorithms
- Brute force algorithms
- Genetic algorithms
- Pathfinding algorithms
- Procedural generation algorithms
- pseudocode
- Sudoku solving algorithms

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