This unit builds upon the basic skills you have learnt in the previous unit and adding more advanced techniques.
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Resources What is needed to run this unit?
Cross-Curricular Links Do not try and force this. What areas of other subjects might this reflect and/discuss language. For IB, links with ToK.
Teacher Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
The spiral or spin pass is a way of passing the ball at speed over longer distances. Note that the ball doesn't always have to spin, but the modern game has evolved with longer and faster passes.
Watch this video with an explanation of the science behind the spin pass.
Now watch this video and practise with your group. Make sure you practise off both hands! Practise standing still at first and then see if you can do it whilst running. Again practise on both sides.
Watch the video for an example of how to set up a miss pass also known as a cut out pass drill.
Practise this skill in your group ensuring everyone has an opportunity to practise passing and catching. Again make sure you practise off both hands.
This video is an excellent example of a cut out pass used effectively to score.
An accurate half pass is great for getting the ball wide to your runners. There are useful tip on this video on how to pass long and accurately off the floor at the roll ball.
After watching the video, practise off both your left and right hand. Remember the ball should start on the floor.
Make a video demonstrating the following passes in this unit:
1) Standing still and making a spin pass
2) Take the ball whilst running and make a spin pass
3) A cut out pass
4) A half Pass
You should make these passes at the following distances off both your left and right hands:
a) 5 metres b) 10 metres and c) measure the furthest pass you can consistently make accurately.
Don't worry if you can't make passes at all of these distances off both hands. Try your best and record the outcome. Practise and come back to the unit to show your progress.
Finally, watch this video of Dylan Hennessy who displays a variety of passing off both left and right hands. His assuredness of passing enables him to leave defences unsure as to what he is about to do and he often manages to make the scoring pass look quite easy.