Trailer Mash
5.9 hrs

Basic Video Editing
Human Technologies
Ross Parker
Minimum Year Group
In this unit you will take some films, and use them to make a trailer for a totally different film. This is called a trailer mash.
This work is shared under the following license: Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
The Pitch Why should I bother learning this?
Resources What is needed to run this unit?
Interdisciplinary Links Do not try and force this. What areas of other subjects might this reflect and/discuss language. For IB, links with ToK.
Teacher Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
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5 mins
- If you are on a Chromebook, you may find this unit difficult to complete
- It is doable, but I would recommend borrowing a Mac from the school if you want to fully experience the unit
5 mins
No Creative Commons
- Although we generally do not use work that is not under Creative Commons, in this case we will use the following arguments to support our use of copyrighted work:
- We will use only a small part of the original work.
- The media we create will not compete with or harm the author of the original work.
- We are using the original work for educational purposes only.
- These arguments fall under a part of copyright law known as fair use.
- So, in this unit:
- Feel free to use copyrighted material.
- Do not apply a CC license to your work (since your source material is not CC)
- Do still attribute your sources.
5 mins
Total Remix Freedom
The Pitch
- Want to experience the strange joy of taking someone else's work and turning it into something new and different?
30 mins
What Is A Trailer Mash?
- In a trailer mash we take one or more films, and turn them into a trailer that is unlike the original films.
- In this unit, you will be asked to:
- Choose two or more films.
- If the films are on DVD, you will need to rip them into digital files.
- If the films are on YouTube, you will need to download them (try
- Cut the films up to take out the pieces you want.
- Edit the film pieces into a trailer for a different, imaginary film.
- Make the genre of your trailer different from the genre of the original films (this is the fun bit).
- E.g. you might take some horror films, and produce a trailer for a comedy film.
- As examples, check out the trailer mashes below. The first is made from many films, and is for an imaginary sequel to Titanic. Instead of being a romantic comedy, it is an action film. The second changes a comedy, The Santa Clause into a thriller, using clips from only the one film:
- Take some time to watch some more trailer mashes at
30 mins
Choosing Film
Hands On
- Now you have seen some examples, choose one or more films to make your trailer mash from.
- Apply to following guidelines when choosing:
- Use films you own (e.g. on DVD or a legal digital download: no illegal torrenting, please) or that can be obtained from YouTube.
- Choose films you know well (this will make it easier to find parts to use).
- Choose films with enough flexibility to be able to change genres.
DVD Ripping
- DVDs are designed to be impossible to rip (e.g. turn into a digital file).
- In America it is illegal to rip a DVD (under a law called the DMCA), but in Hong Kong it is legal for personal reasons.
- Under no circumstances should you rip a DVD and then share it, online or in person. This is illegal.
- To rip a DVD, we can use some free, open source software called HandBrake.
- Handbrake is also useful for converting videos from one format to another.
- You might not have a DVD drive in your laptop, or it might not work for ripping: ask Mr. Parker if you need help.
200 mins
Make Your Mash
Hands On
- Use this time to produce your mash using video editing software such as iMovie.
- Work slowly, and remember that it takes time and effort to get a good result when working with video.
- The following steps might help you in making your mash:
- Import your movie into your editing software
- Use the Split tool to cut the movie into sections, deleting the parts you do not want.
- Arrange the parts you do want into the order you want.
- Use the Detach Audio tool to remove unwanted audio.
- Record any extra audio you need (e.g. a voice over narrating the trailer)
- Add in any sound effects (can you make your own? This can be really fun and creative)
- Add in any music you want (remember, you can adjust the volume level to vary at different times)
- Use audio and video transitions to make the video less abrupt and more polish.
- Use intro and outro (e.g. credit) screens with text to add professionalism
- Avoid using default/standard styles/fonts/themes to make your work more individual.
- Keep showing your work to your teacher, friends and family to get their input. Apply their ideas to make your work better.
- Make sure you have closing trailer-style credits at the end of your work, with your names as authors, and then names of the movies you used in your mash.
80 mins
Export, Share & Submit
- Once your trailer is ready, export it and upload it to Google Drive.
- Create a Google Doc, make sure to include:
- A brief definition of trailer mash
- The names and genres of your original films, and the name and genre of your new film.
- Screenshots of your iMovie interface, to show how you edited the work.
- A link to your trailer in Google Drive
- A brief explanation of copyright and fair use, explaining why you were able to use copyrighted materials in your trailer (e.g. fair use of limited amounts of material for artistic, personal, non-commercial and educational use).
- a part of copyright law known as fair use
- make your own
- really fun and creative
- HandBrake
- closing trailer-style credits
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