Player Controls
1.6 hrs

Sandra Kuipers
Minimum Year Group
Player Controls
This work is shared under the following license: Creative Commons BY-SA-NC
Learner Outcomes Students will:
Competency Focus
Interdisciplinary Connections
Reflection What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
Credits Any CC attribution, thanks, credit, etc.
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5 mins
Game Basics
The Pitch
10 mins
Keyboard Input
Getting Started
- Keyboard controls are one of the most basic game inputs.
- A player presses left, and the character on screen goes left.
- In p5js, keyboard control can be detected in a few different ways:
The keyIsDown() function. This can go in your draw loop.
if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)) {
x -= 5;
The keyPressed() event. This is a standalone function.
function keyPressed() {
if (key == "g") {
// Do something!
WASD or Arrow Keys?
- Have you ever wondered why some games use arrow keys, and some games use WASD?
- It all comes down to ergonomics.
- Many people are right handed, and use the mouse with their right hand.
- The arrow keys are also on the right side of the keyboard. This makes using them awkward :(
- The WASD keys are on the left side, and are in almost the same position as the arrow keys.
- You can use either option, or both (some old-school two player games are controlled by both).
- As you design your game, it's up to you to decide which you prefer.
5 mins
Top-Down Controls
Digging In
- Top-down controls place the game's camera directly above the player's head.
- This type of control is common in strategy games, where precision is important.
- Another common perspective isn't to look directly top-down, because we'd only see the tops of people's heads.
- Third-person view in many games is close to top-down, but at a slight angle.
- Many games that aren't fully 3D use this view to simulate a three-dimensional world, called 2.5D
Example Top-Down Controls:
5 mins
Side-Scroller Controls
Digging In
- Side scrolling is common in arcade and action games.
- The camera looks at the player from the side, and follows them forward, backwards, up, and down.
- Side scrolling games often layer the background to create a sense of depth.
- Other perspectives include first-person and over-the-shoulder views.
- These are common in 3D games, particularly action and adventure games.
- First-person view is an immersive perspective, looking through the eyes of your character.
5 mins
Detecting Distance
Code Examples
- We can check the distance between two points with the dist() function.
- This function takes a pair of x, y coordinates, and returns the distance between these objects.
- Checking distance is a way to detect when two objects interact with each other.
5 mins
Detecting Position
Code Examples
- If we know the x, y and width, height of a rectangle, we can detect when a point is inside those coordinates.
- To do this, we use the && statement, which means AND, to check for more than one logic condition.
if (mouseX > myShape.x && mouseX < (myShape.x + myShape.width)
&& mouseY > myShape.y && mouseY < (myShape.y + myShape.height)) {
// Do something!
60 mins
Your Mini-Game
- Create your own mini-game using the p5js editor
- Think mini! This isn't a full-fledged game: just an example of player control and movement.
- Create a player object that can move and interact with a few different objects.
- Does the player stop when they reach the edge of the screen?
- Or can they loop to the other side, like pac-man?
- Are there other objects in your scene? Do they move too?
- Can you detect when the player gets close to an object?
- Can you change the scene based on where the player position is?
- Challenge yourself to explore player movement and position detection.
- When you're happy with your game, submit a link to your p5js sketch as evidence of your learning.
- p5js editor
- Check out the code in the p5js editor.
- ergonomics
- dist() function
- keyIsDown() function
- keyPressed() event

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