Catching In Ultimate
Time 1.8 hrs

Difficulty Beginner
Prerequisites Introduction To Ultimate
Departments Physical Education
Authors Ross Parker
Groupings Pairs
Minimum Year Group None


In some senses, throwing in ultimate gets a lot of the glory...but the best throw is worth nothing without a catch to go with it. In this unit you will learn and practice a variety of different catches.


This work is shared under the following license: Creative Commons BY-SA-NC


What is needed to run this unit?
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Cross-Curricular Links
Do not try and force this. What areas of other subjects might this reflect and/discuss language. For IB, links with ToK.
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Teacher Reflection
What was successful? What needs changing? Alternative Assessments and Lesson Ideas? What other Differentiation Ideas/Plans could be used?
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10 mins
Why Catch?
No Catch, No Score
  • In some senses, throwing in ultimate gets a lot of the glory...
  • ...but the best throw is worth nothing without a catch to go with it.
  • Catching can be stylish and dramatic, as you will see in the highlight reel below:

30 mins
Different Catches
  • Make sure you watch the following video with a disc in hand, so that you can better imagine what you will be doing when it comes to practicing catching:
    • Also, ignore Brodie's terrible hat style...

  • Note the range of catches and ideas covered in the video:
    • Pancake
    • Overhand
    • Underhand
    • Running through the disc
  • Spend some time now working on these catches and drills with your group.
30 mins
One Handed
Strong & Weak
  • Ultimate players are always taught to catch with two hands for safety.
  • In a game, however, you will sometimes only be able to catch with one hand, so it is worth practicing catching with one hand.
    • Try to deliberately catch 10 throws with your strong (or dominant) hand.
    • Then switch to your weaker hand for another 10 throws.
    • Repeat until your hands are sore!
  • Remember to practice a range of different catches, but always use the safest catch in a game.
10 mins
  • Laying out, or diving for the disk, can be used offensively to catch the disk, or defensively to intercept and block the disk.
  • Practicing layouts can cause unnecessary injury, so don't practice them in this unit. However, watch the video below and be aware that laying out is an option in a game:

30 mins
Finishing Up

Make a video and demonstrate the different catches you have learnt in this unit:

  • Pancake
  • Overhand
  • Underhand
  • Running through the disc
  • Strong hand
  • Weak Hand
  • Layout


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